Payments & Maykin's Django Adyen app

March 3, 2017 - - Development - Django - Software

Payments & Django

When requiring payments in a Django project, the first question you naturally ask is: how would you like your customers to pay?

For the Dutch market iDEAL is the go-to option and in certain cases it's the only option required. iDEAL allows online e-commerce payments directly via the visitors own bank environment, and it's massively popular in the Netherlands. Integration is relatively easy using our an open source Python iDEAL client , which we've used for a couple of projects.

For larger markets however you want multiple payment options, so it's time to choose a PSP. We have integrated a number of Django projects with Adyen succesfully and are happy with their services, they provide a very wide range of payment options and flexibility when it comes to API integrations.

One of those integrations is using their Hosted Payment Pages: you create a skin for your integration, customize it as you see fit, select the payment types you'd like to support and you're mostly done.

Introducing Djadyen

You do need to integrate with their API though, and that's where our Django Adyen app comes in. We've launched it recently with a couple of example snippets on how to use the provided View mixins, but it works well and has good coverage.

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