Huisdieropvakantie is an online platform to easily book a holiday stay for cats or dogs at one of the renowned holiday shelters or hotels. Huisdieropvakantie only works with the best animal shelters and hotels in the Netherlands, so dog or cat owners can go on holiday knowing their pets are taken perfect care of.
Maykin Media developed the entire online platform of Including the reservations and bookings functionalities and a personal ‘My huisdieropvakantie’ environment to view, modify or cancel reservations. Customers also have the possibility to review shelters and share their experiences. Payments are made through the regular iDeal environment.
Huisdieropvakantie is completely developed in Python and Django, including the CMS. It also features an admin environment to moderate shelters, reservations and capacity. This ensures the best availability of the shelters. The shelters also have their own, personal, environment to view their reservations and availability.
Maykin Media was responsible for hosting and support, which resulted in an uptime of >99.9% of Huisdieropvakantie.
Unfortunately, Huisdieropvakantie wasn’t profitable anymore and the project was terminated by the end of 2015.